Thursday, September 17, 2015

What to feed the patient?

     I think Max Love's momma said it best when prior to her sons diagnosis they were a "Trader Joe" eating family. I think my family was the same way. As a family we've always been particular with what we eat. Lulu didn't know that McDonalds had "happy meals" until she was given her first few doses of steroids. Being 70 miles from home, we were restricted to what was at the Naval Hospital. (Shocking all the junk they offer at the hospital, but that's another topic).

     The first few months of treatment we weren't too strict with what we fed Lulu. During that time it was the least of our worries. I remember Lulu asking for sushi and the nutritionist in the ICU (Balboa Navy Medical Center) almost had a heart attack when she heard this. This was our first lecture of "low bacteria diet". Sushi was a "no-no". In fact the nutritionist told me that when slicing into a cantaloupe first wash the outside with diluted bleach. Yes. Bleach! The thought was to kill off any bacteria so that we wouldn't get Lulu sick.

     As time passed I would ask what I could feed Lulu to help nourish her body. Oncologists, nutritionists, and nurses all said the same thing. Nothing. Nothing would help improve any of the effects from chemo. It didn't make any sense though. I really didn't want to believe it and kept searching for some type of data. I'm a fan of Dr. Gonzalez and his cancer treatment approach. I recommend his youtube interviews instead of blogs about him as he was a very controversial figure. We've also been able to 100% eliminate the need for Miralax with Lulu since adopting the Weston A Price diet. As a family we work hard to maintain a high fat, nutrient dense diet, that we believe is most beneficial for Lulu fighting leukemia. All cancers are different and need different diets in order to starve the cancer and have the chemo work most effectively.

     The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Primal Pit Paste Coupon !

Have you been a crystal deodorant user? Me too... but then the crystal was not doing it's job and the crystal would never shrink ! 

I took a chance on Primal Pit Paste and LOVE IT ! I ordered the Lemon Grass scent and I've been working hard to convert my husband to this stuff. He'll come to the dark side one of these days! 

Order here to save 15% off your first purchase.

Why the big fuss ? Why did I change over to Primal Pit Paste? As a parent of a child with leukemia, I've burnt out on toxins. Toxic medicine, toxins in our food, toxins in our home. Burnt. Out. 

Here's some info on deodorant / antiperspirants. 

"Deodorant prevents unwanted odor. Our body odor is produced by the bacterial breakdown of sweat. Ingredients within deodorants are essentially designed to eliminate or mask the small caused by the bacteria." (2) Antiperspirants blocks your pores so that sweat doesn't break through. Some antiperspirants contain aluminum, so when mixed with sweat create a yellow stain on your clothing.(2)

What does the research say ? 

"McGrath reported within a population of breast cancer patients that those who used more antiperspirant products were diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier age [9]. The first study is limited by the reliance on self-reported information, by the lack of a nonuser population and by the lack of consideration to historical usage. The second study suggests a dose-response relationship to chemical exposure and sensitivity at a younger age, consistent with patterns of breast cancer development [5], but does not exclude other risk factors or the issue that cosmetic use is simply higher in younger women."

"More studies would be necessary to definitively exclude an association between deodorant use and breast cancer". (3) 

To be on the safe side, I decided to just change by deodorant to something that WORKS and smells GREAT! 


Monday, September 14, 2015

Welcome to the Cancer World - Part 1

So you or someone you know just found out they have cancer. Welcome to the club. If there were a top 10 list of clubs you would like to join, the cancer club would probably not be on that list. So, you got the short end of the stick. Sulk for a bit, then get your brain focused because you (or a loved one) has cancer to beat.

If I knew then what I know now, I would do the following the first week I found out Lulu got diagnosed, along other things I managed to do to keep my sanity.

1) Find a notebook and pen. Takes notes whenever the doctors or nurses are talking to you. Your brain is not functioning properly and therefore about 5% of the words being spoken are retained in your brain. Take notes of daily blood levels so that in the following weeks you can find trends. You can really get to know how your kids body works.

2) Get some fresh air. I think it was after the first week, I couldn't shake the depression. Every story is different. For us we were confined to a hospital room for 30 ish days. Lulu wasn't able to leave because she had zero ability to fight off any infection. My moods quickly changed. I was constantly crying, trying to put on a show for the visitors we had, then just crumbling when it was the three of us alone in the hospital room. Eventually the crying got annoying so I forced myself to go out and jog around the base. (We were initially at Navy Balboa Medical Center)

3) Statistics - Those things are stupid. Stay away from the statistics. For leukemia, it's only 5 year stats anyways. Who really wants to know the odds of surviving 5 years? Focus on more important stuff.

4) Nourish - Your body is going to get beat up from chemo. It's toxic stuff. You need to help your body recover and 99% of the time the oncologist and the hospital staff will not be of assistance. I would recommend Biodynamic Wellness. Covered by insurance? No. Expensive? Yes. Worth every penny? Yes. If you're not in the California area, you can make appointments via skype or phone.

5) One day at a time - The first few weeks were a bit crazy and overwhelming. Just take it one day at a time. When you wake up, figure out what's on the agenda for the day and go from there. It's been over a year since Lulu's diagnosis and I've graduated from focusing on the day, to the week, and now I'm at the "month" status. I like knowing what's going on for the month and maximizing each day.