Monday, June 30, 2014

Cancer Clusters ? Help me make a simple map!

Cancer Clusters. 

I want to learn more, but I need your help. I want to make a map of Americans under the age of 18 that have cancer. Keeping the first map simple and easy to read. I will try and update the map weekly & post here on the blog. Here's some simple steps for the first map. 

Step 1) email me
Step 2) subject " cancer cluster"
Step 3) provide (a) date of birth (b) date of diagnosis (c) zip code  where you diagnosed (d) zip code of prior residence if "c" is less than one year (e) diagnosis

Example using Lulu's info
A - 10/20/08
B - 3/3/14
C - 92584
D - not sure of the zip code, Netzaburg Germany
E - high risk ALL

Thanks for helping me !