Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Primal Pit Paste Coupon !

Have you been a crystal deodorant user? Me too... but then the crystal was not doing it's job and the crystal would never shrink ! 

I took a chance on Primal Pit Paste and LOVE IT ! I ordered the Lemon Grass scent and I've been working hard to convert my husband to this stuff. He'll come to the dark side one of these days! 

Order here to save 15% off your first purchase.

Why the big fuss ? Why did I change over to Primal Pit Paste? As a parent of a child with leukemia, I've burnt out on toxins. Toxic medicine, toxins in our food, toxins in our home. Burnt. Out. 

Here's some info on deodorant / antiperspirants. 

"Deodorant prevents unwanted odor. Our body odor is produced by the bacterial breakdown of sweat. Ingredients within deodorants are essentially designed to eliminate or mask the small caused by the bacteria." (2) Antiperspirants blocks your pores so that sweat doesn't break through. Some antiperspirants contain aluminum, so when mixed with sweat create a yellow stain on your clothing.(2)

What does the research say ? 

"McGrath reported within a population of breast cancer patients that those who used more antiperspirant products were diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier age [9]. The first study is limited by the reliance on self-reported information, by the lack of a nonuser population and by the lack of consideration to historical usage. The second study suggests a dose-response relationship to chemical exposure and sensitivity at a younger age, consistent with patterns of breast cancer development [5], but does not exclude other risk factors or the issue that cosmetic use is simply higher in younger women."

"More studies would be necessary to definitively exclude an association between deodorant use and breast cancer". (3) 

To be on the safe side, I decided to just change by deodorant to something that WORKS and smells GREAT! 

(1) http://www.breast-cancer-research.com/content/11/S3/S5

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