Monday, September 30, 2013

Top 10 Adorable Gifts this Holiday Season

If holiday decor hasn't ambushed your local department store, it soon will! I'm here to help get your brain freeze this gift giving holiday season.

Here is your #10 gift idea - Toiletry Bag.

 - fill with great soaps / body wash
- include a "coupon" for a weekend away
- great prints for kids & adults

**50% off COUPON**Comment below on what your 
favorite print is at the store. Winner will be 
chosen Wednesday, October 2nd 7:00 pst, using 
For an extra entry visit my facebook page and leave
a comment with your favorite toiletry bag print. 
I will contact the winner Thursday morning! 

Good luck !
Check back next Monday for #9 on the countdown.